(b) prevails over an inconsistent provision of this Act in respect of a corporation under clause (a). (b) a company dissolved by a court, the master having jurisdiction within the jurisdiction of the court which issued the winding-up decision; (a) the acquisition of the holding of the member in question by the company or by members other than the member concerned; or (2) A document referred to in subsection (1) may be consulted during the hours of operation of the Corporation by any person when it is paid to the Corporation, in the case of a person who is not a member of the Corporation, by a margin or less than the Corporation may determine. (1) Payments made by a company for the acquisition of a partner`s stake in the company shall be made only: (2) Unless otherwise provided for in an association agreement – (g) if a person participates in the management of the company, although excluded under § 47 paragraph 1 letter b or c, that person is liable for any debt of the company, which results from his participation in the management of the company; and (e) subparagraphs (e) and (d) are without prejudice to the power of that representative, from the date of his or her taking office and irrespective of whether or not such an amended declaration of constitution has been made, to represent the member concerned in all matters in which he or she himself could have acted as a member; until that member`s interest in the Société has been transferred to another qualified person in accordance with the provisions of this Act. (b) the principal activity to be carried on by the company; (2A) Section 30(2)(b) and (3) to (6) of the Companies Act, read with such modifications as may be required by the context, applies to a corporation that is required by the provisions of section 30(7) of the Companies Act to have its annual financial statements audited. (f) Details of each member`s contribution to the Corporation under section 24(1), including: (3) Regulations issued by the Minister within the meaning of subsections 29(4) and (5) and (30)(7) of the Companies Act apply to a Corporation as if those regulations had been issued within the meaning of this Act, but any reference in these Rules to a Company shall be read as a reference to a Company. (1) If a company in liquidation is unable to settle its debts and: (a) a creditor to whom the company is indebted by assignment or otherwise in the amount of at least two hundred rands has served the company by delivery to its registered office with a claim which obliges the company to pay the amount so due, and the Corporation has not paid the amount for 21 days thereafter or secured or paid interest on it to the reasonable satisfaction of the creditor; or (1) A corporation shall keep a copy of its declaration of incorporation and any evidence of its registration at the corporation`s registered office. (4) Within 30 days after the day the liquidator informed the supplier of the rejection of the offer, the supplier may provide written assurances to the master who, after giving the liquidator 14 days to make written comments, will review the assurances and comments and may subsequently request the liquidator to, by registered letter or a copy of the offer to any creditor known to the company accompanied by the liquidator`s report and an explanation of the effect of the composition. In South Africa, the restricted group will expire and you will no longer be able to register a CC with CPIC. Is a membership contract still valid? Yes. While you can`t register a new closed business, there are still thousands of narrow businesses running their businesses across South Africa. And it is always possible to buy and sell the interests of members in a nearby company and register the change of membership with Cipro.
We usually find members who sign the membership agreement with new members after there has been a sale of the members` interests. But an association agreement can be signed by members at any time. (b) any proceedings brought against a member of a corporation for an offence of failing to take reasonable steps to ensure that a corporation complies with a provision referred to in point (a) is a defence if it is shown that the accused had reasonable grounds to believe and believed that a competent and reliable person was entrusted with the obligation: to ensure that such a provision enables that person to fulfil that obligation and that the defendant has no reason to believe that that person has in any way breached that obligation ….