Free Pet Custody Agreement

Each co-owner of the animal must sign the custody agreement to make it legally binding. You may want to understand all the terms of the agreement before you sign. A certified certification is not required, but you can insert a witness signature. In the 21st century, Arizonans, like most Americans, have spent more income on their pets than ever before. When a marriage is dissolved, custody of furry, feathered, or afloat children can become a hot topic, and there are no laws in Arizona that govern the custody of a pet. However, there are some approaches that can help people resolve these differences. The custody agreement template below describes an agreement between “Poppy Jennings” and “Bobby Chung” on the owner of the Corgi Puff. The agreement also outlines how both will handle pet care and liability, insurance, and expenses. Nevertheless, spouses may apply the principles of visitation and joint custody to an ongoing relationship with their animal companions. This is done by arrangement, so it`s important to get a pet care plan that works for both parties. Finally, if two people are planning to get married and intend to acquire animals, a prenuptial arrangement could save them a lot of grief and legal fees in case of separation or divorce somewhere on the street. See ARS § 25-201.

This agreement also includes all important information about the animal, such as name, sex, age and animal species. There are also optional areas where information about the animal`s medical needs, if any, as well as other general care information (e.B. if the pet has a preferred toy or a certain habit) is included. Pet custody agreements are legal documents that are very similar to custody agreements. As most pet owners will tell you, their pet companions are more than just property. Since every household is different, these contracts must be designed in such a way as to best meet the specific interests of the parties and the pets concerned. Often, the document contains clauses on visits or joint custody. Owners should carefully consider the needs of pets, as well as their own. Some animals cope better with structure and routine, so it may not be optimal to move them too often. If both parties are stuck on the animal, this agreement can determine how time is divided so that neither party has to give up full ownership. Under these agreements, the parties determine the exact determination of custody, including the animal`s stop dates and times, so the parties are on the same side with respect to their visits and responsibilities. The separation process for spouses or life partners can be complicated in many ways.

One of these difficult options is to decide on the care of one or more pets. This could also be a problem with long-term roommates who plan to live apart after sharing a pet for a long time. Decide who has custody of each pet and what the other party`s visiting rights are. Whether children are involved or not, outgoing couples should limit their anger and settle disputes over pets. Unless Arizona legislatures pass pet custody laws, it is up to the parties to resolve this issue and reach an agreement or try their luck with a court decision. Other clauses to consider in this agreement are: In family law practice, although we see a national trend toward controversial pet custody cases, Arizona law still states that a pet acquired during marriage is community property to be divided into divorce. Pet Custody Agreement-stipulation-free-draft-template-example.pdf When a relationship ends, shared ownership sharing is common. But if this includes animal companions who feel like family members, a fair custody solution can be difficult. A pet care agreement establishes conditions so that both parties can compromise on issues such as pet care, visits, and other common concerns. Spouses can refer all legal issues to a private mediator as part of their divorce mediation, including a plan for the future of the family`s pets (which, as mentioned earlier, is part of their asset allocation).

As with any other contentious issue, the mediator lists the points of agreement and dispute between the parties, adding reason and neutrality to the decision-making process. Fortunately, with the help of their divorce lawyers, spouses can negotiate an agreement on their pets. We`ll come back to that, but let`s start at the beginning – the law in Arizona. You do not have to file the pet care agreement with a government agency. All parties are advised to sell a physical copy of the Agreement in the event of a dispute. If a family dog or cat is separately owned by a spouse, a pet determination may be included in the separation agreement. The dog or cat that is the separate property of one of the spouses can be given to the other spouse, perhaps in exchange for another property. Or an agreement could be made that allows the animal to spend time with the other party during some sort of “animal visit.” This document is used when two people need a written record of the custody agreement they have developed for their pet.
