DISAGREE is formed by adding DIS to AGREE at the beginning of the word. Letters added to the beginning of a word are called prefixes, and letters added to the end of a word are suffixes. Here, AGREE is the root word, while DIS is the prefix and MENT is the suffix. Use the bank with prefixes and suffixes to complete each word. For some words, there may be more than one answer. Or go to the answers (only for site members). A suffix is a group of letters placed after the root of a word. For example, the word tasteless consists of the root word “taste” combined with the suffix “-less” [meaning “without”]; the word “tasteless” means “to have no taste”. For each prefix, write one or more words that begin with that prefix. Write as much as you can! The prefixes are: anti-, de-, dis-, ex-, il-, im-, in-, non-, over-, pre-, re-, sub-, tri-, un-, with-. Or go to Sample Responses (for website members only). Then the question arises, what do you mean by disagreement? Associate each prefix with a root word to create a common word. Then circle the prefixes and set them.
Or go to the answers (only for site members). Use the prefix bank to complete each word. For some words, there may be more than one answer. The prefixes are: de-, dis-, ex-, il-, im-, in-, mis-, non-, pre-, re-, un- and with-. Or go to the answers… The action you were trying to take required permissions that your account doesn`t have. Try logging in as a different user… A prefix is a group of letters that precede the root of a word. For example, the word “unhappy” consists of the prefix “un-” [meaning “not”] combined with the root word (or stem) “happy”; the word “unhappy” means “not happy.” If you disagree with someone or disagree with what they say, you don`t accept that what they say is true or right.
It can also be said that two people disagree. . We have temporarily prevented their IP address from accessing Vocabulary.com because we have detected behavior that violates our Terms of Service. If you think we have blocked you by mistake, please email us at [email protected] and let us know. Be sure to provide your current IP address, which you can obtain by clicking here. Also, do you know what kind of verb disagrees? Verb (used without object), dis·a·greed, dis·a·gree·ing. not be able to reach an agreement; Distinguish: Conclusions are not consistent with the facts. Theories do not agree in their basic premises. different opinions; Dissent: Three of the judges disagreed with the verdict. .
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