What Is the Average Turnover Rate for a Company

In order for talented people to stay in the organization, you need to look at why they are leaving, what it costs the company, and what the organization can do to change it. Let`s take a closer look at the numbers: Statistics on staff turnover and active job seekers can help recruiters and HR managers understand why people are leaving or how to attract top talent. They can support initiatives to reduce staff turnover – especially among the top performers – and make their business a place where people want to work. How a company successfully hires, integrates, manages and rewards its employees is fundamental to success. These factors are too important to be left to chance, so the most successful companies use data to ensure excellence. As of September 2020, more than 3 million people have quit their jobs, according to data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). As long as people are working, managers and executives have tried to understand the drivers of staff turnover – a way to measure the number of employees leaving the company over a period of time. Here`s the good news: more than 75% of employees who resigned could have been retained by the organization. Any improvement associated with employee engagement, training and career advancement, and providing incentives that motivate and enrich employees will help you seize this opportunity and retain your most valuable employees. What is staff turnover and why is it important for your business? .